Chorus donates to Kiwrious

2 min readMar 29, 2021


Kiwrious are pleased to announce Chorus has donated to Kiwrious Ltd as one of its chosen charities in its bid to bridge the digital divide and build digital capability in NZ.

This aligns with Kiwrious’ vision to create a fun solution allowing interactive,
collaborative and inquiry-based science learning experiences.

The Kiwrious Sensors connect to an Inquiry Platform to take measurements

“Starting a charity our biggest challenge is to ensure we have constant funding in the early stages. Having Chorus choose to work with us endorses the quality of our offering and supports our vision to keep “Kiwi Kids Kiwrious”, “ says Sonia Dupuch, Director of Kiwrious Ltd.

Hannah Taylor, Chorus Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, says she is pleased to be able to support such a worthy initiative. “The idea behind Kiwrious, to use digital capability to foster and encourage our young peoples’ scientific curiosity, is one that really resonates with me personally and with Chorus’ purpose to make New Zealand better. Our children are the future and we’re proud to be helping support their development.”

Kiwrious has created the Kiwrious Science Experience which empowers students aged 10 to 14 years to explore scientific phenomena. The Kiwrious Kit includes six sensors, an inquiry editor platform and resources for teachers.
The Kiwrious Science Experience aims to spark scientifically inquiring minds by giving tools to take scientific measurements of the world around them, such as the levels of UV and the levels of UV or organic compounds in their environment. Kiwrious challenges students to make observations, present findings in creative ways and discuss them with their peers.

The funding provided by Chorus will support the distribution of the Kiwrious solution to a number of low decile schools around New Zealand over the upcoming months.




Kiwrious’ social mission is to foster a scientifically literate generation through their Kiwrious Science Experience.